Monday, February 6, 2012

if anybody can a kiwi can

front page news: 1500 drunken kiwis gather in london to make nuisances of themselves.
I wonder what the Queen thought?
60 years on the  throne.
she has been good for Britain and I hope the nitwits never abolish the monarchy.
there is always a new cohort of noo no heads with fake indignation and fake priciples who think that in the interests of egalitarianism or just their own dented egos think that the monarchy should go.
Halfway through Alan Greenspans "Age of Turbulence".
some of his history is debatable and his conclusions airy fairy.
cleaving to ayn rand is not good intellectually. just because she managed to point out his own callow contradicitons is no reason to believe that she had none of her own.
and necessarily logic might be valid but that doesn't make it true.
and the thing about economics is it only works if you beleive in it.
i.e. the unlimited acquisition of goods and exploitation of the natural environment. 
right now listening to mathew hooton and mike williams on the net while I write.
the girl at the desk calls it typing!!!!!
you mean like a monkey just hitting the keys?
anyway they are discussing the privatisation of New Zealands power companies for which they seem to have no good reasons. 
everyone wants to get their hands on the POWER.
Predictably richard long in the dompost today uses the antics of a few to fly a kite to get rid of Waitangi Day and call it something else.
just outlining the crap from some as a reason to scrap the lot is not good logic.
It looks like the Labour Party is on the uptick now. Favourites to win the 2014 election.
I think David Shearer should read, The Agenda, the Secrets of the Temple and Greenspans book.
listening to the zealots is not the way to acquire a rounded view.
The Prime Minister is finding that out now to his own detriment.
His outlook seems to have been circumscribed by the belief that he didnt need to know anything but the mortgage rate.

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