Sunday, September 11, 2011

blogging is fun

yeah. every five minutes I get to log on and tell everyone about the minutaie of my life!
now sit stil kiddies while I tell you about my first banjo.
it was a long time ago...
yes now where was I.
how was I to know the job description.
playing music is juvenile and immature.
arkse gary glitter.
he moved some product though.
so what.
he's now rotting in a cambodian jail.
gunna turn this off soon and plug the telly in.
I hope Felicia Collins is on. Ya hear me Dave. Dave. Dave Letterman. Otherwise I will write a letter to the NYT and complain!
Its just smalltown news.
Local stuff really.
you know really is a really non-keyword.
denotes insincerity?????
what started with a bang will end with a wimpy.
pretty soon, yellow moon, carnival on the edge of town.
Shit im sick of despots tyrants eggs goombahs proud peoples the whole kit and frigging kaboodle.
200 years from now men will be hunting each other up the big river valleys and fertile catchments of a world returning to verdure and all the pomp and bullshit will disappear in the ozymandian gloom.
the smart ones will be cyborgs with superior weapons and it will be like big game hunting till either processing power or aleatory contact will provide new worlds to conquer and they are ready to ship out with the right martial spirit.
go go johnny go go go.
johnyy b. goode tonite.
more minutaie.
turned on the telly and Dave was on.
then someone came round.
Hey Dave. When USA played Wales in the r*gby world cup they played the star bangled banner! WOW!
So sometimes you get what ya need. A shot of Felicia, Sid doin' it, Dave cracking people up and bit of Paul doing the ham.hehehehehehehe. and rupert singing. bring him back.
okay I gotta go already.

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