Monday, September 26, 2011

Rugby and Rugby League Finals

Graham Henry.
Hi Ted.
Just a thought but you should stop the boys from listening to those silly little ear buds at least two days before the game.
Ears get fatigued too you know and they cant hear clearly if they have been smashed with too many decibels.
The whole man Ted. The whole Man!
F*C*BOOK. BEEN  sprung for leaving stuff behind. i.e. they are sneaks. They always have been sneaks and I don't give a toss about the net worth of the company or the individuals.
The whole thing was about sneaky creeps and it will always remain an avenue for those types of people.
Self centred people with pseudopoddic egos, no self worth and a desire to peer into other people lives for their own vicarious gratification. CREEPS!
Robert REdford. another one who lucked out in a cattle call in Hollywood many years ago and now believes his own legend. Who are you to suddenly say whether Barack Obama is doing good or not. Get off ya bum and give him some assistance instead of carping from the sidelines. Ya Bum!
go over there and smash 'em bro.

Straight ahead guys. The highway is for gamblers youbetter play to win!

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