Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Carterton Library is just about ready to make its big shift soon from the Freemasons Hall into the newly refurbished building. all the books are being boxed ready for the move. Its funny but I see books I never saw before and I have to have them. At present I am reading AJP Taylors meisterwork. (see ads) About three pages every night just before I turn the light out. Its slow going but very rewarding. Not so much as a record of events but as record of the stupidity of people. Especially those who occupied  executive postions in government over the period. some of them were mainly just so vain in a way that is not really appreciated now because everyone in power these days gets exposed to some degree to the glaring eye of the media so the real idiots seem to have been weeded out or at least shoved to the back. I have tried reading Jacob Burckhardts book before I was ready but I think I can handle it now. It is hard to acknowledge the fact that some books are difficult and a lot of prepatory reading must be done to get the brain up to speed. derrrr. I also have Stella Dong's book on Shangai burning a hole in the bookshelf. Only 50c at the family shop and I scored Hobsbawms tome on the revolutions of 1848 the other day too. That was a dollar fyi.  All this computer work does seem to shortern atention spans but I will do my best. Just pulled the Ibanez out of the box and tuned it up. Sounds really nice with the new springs (hehehehe) but I think it is time to hock it. Prefer the light strings and electricity to yanking on the cables. Pity. It has on board electrics but time for the solid sender. g'night folks.

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