Thursday, September 8, 2011

Money Money Money

so kiddies way back then we all played our own instruments and amde up our own songs and we didnt say f*ck all the time and we didnt swear at everybody and we all had a real good time. yes indeedy. And I never liked Pink Floyd all that much. It was all abit wishy washy somehow. all motion and no meat but hey, when they were finsihed there was always something different next. It wasnt all this mind numbing stuff made in a computer and engineered so all the warmth is gone and only the relentless beat that is just slightly faster thana person can masturbate is left. THey dont even call it rhythm anymore. Its beats. yukkkkkkk. well beat it dude till its raw. hahahahahahahahaha. try some of this stuff and if it doesn't work then mate you've had it. jump back in your test tube and die. erkkkkkkkkkkk.
Drag racing...the sport of queens. All noise, a bad smell and a rush down the other end to get away from it all. A bit like owning a dog. A 'rail'  just goes to show that you have more money than sense. Not enough to really count but enough to stink up the joint and squelch any objections. boom banga dung.

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