Monday, September 26, 2011

Wairarapa Afternoon

Came down to the old Gaytown for a bit wif my pal. the corner cafe had run out of sausage rolls, the best in the world so I had the steak, bacon and sweet chile pie. niceone!
I'm sitting here in the Library listening to the Ballad of Easy Rider on You Tube and letting the pie go down.
Got two vhs from the goodbye pile. Kelly's Heroes and Predator.
Hot fun in the old town tonight.
The midtown park is looking really nice ans when the trees gain some foliage it it will be a verdant leafy glade.
Its only Tuesday so the whole place has a laidback feel. Very rural but enough going on without dropping off.
Bumpy landing. One of McCarthy's loging trucks was right up our bum and nearly had to pullout in the middle of the main street.
Young guy.
too much testosterone and garbage in the earphones. flick flick F*CK! WATCHOUT!
Too bad if he creamed the Falcoon. New one please.
Waiting for my pal. He using the wi-fi. very handy. When Cartoontown gets the new library up and running I will miss coming down here. Its like a visit to another planet. You see a lot of home people here too. We all ignore each other and pretend we are well heeled touristas looking for that special item that only somewhere like here can furnish. Bad prose but hey. It was oldtimers week last week.
Reading Simon Montefiore's book on Jerusalem at the moment. Just the facts m'am. It should be called the shibboleth smasher. He lays waste to all the baggage that the major religions have picked up over the years and now retail as received truths.
One realises that most religiosos have a very narrow and constricted version of the truth and reality. As far as they are concerned the truth is what they say it is with no reference to the sources or the difficult parts of the original documents.
So we are getting  humbug in the main instead of the vital spiritual awakening that most people need to analyse their lives and make sense of it.
Its like the philosophers who read Wittgenstein and bullshit themselves that because he said that philosphy is therapy then they are getting better. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
they just dim shits hiding behind someone elses obfuscations to pretend that somehow they are cured. But That leaves the big question; What from?
Hey dude..stop taunting the eggheads.

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