Thursday, September 15, 2011

gonna take my case to the united nations!

damming report on childrearing practices in the eurozone. tooo much teeveee, designer clothes,  computer games, cell phones and hey baby thats it. the future has arrived. its here now!
its pretty much the same here.
it may look rural and bucolic but the intensity lays just beneath the veneer.
this is a lnd where everybody knows how to get the funding but not what to do with it once they've got it.
where the media assumes that they know everything and the interviews are just patsy's, aren't they.
The creeping influence of the media is everywhere and  pervading every aspect of our lives whether we realise it or not.
anyway my shoulder is about to pack it in for good now.
ha ha fucking ha.
all my loves in vain.
no more fender strats and sony legacy series of bottleneck heroes and stride piano.
blues guitarists from the twenties and cajun cutups.
no more freddie green.
no more listening to dolly parton and linda ronstadt like some secret exotic pleasure.
thrilling to fiddle solos and banjo arpeggios.
it took fifteen years to limber up my fffffffffffffffff*ck*nggggggg  fff...fingers.
my next goal is to be an all black.
just kidding.
gone just like that.
martins gibsons and fenders.

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