Saturday, September 3, 2011

reason to beleive

It seems to be a conceit of the world press corps, incliuding New Zealand to label the Afghan administration as corrupt and/or any other epithet that the writer might see fit to use to corruscate the Karzi regime.

Well and all that may be so, but none of these armchair warriors seem to be able to propose a viable alternative.

This morning the Sunday Star Times resident intellectual (he has a corduroy coat) Anthony Hubbard trots out a whole half page of cliches and truisms left over from the Vietnam war to try and make a case for pulling out of Afghanistan now.

Basically its just another Kiwi snow job about how mothers should be able to watch their sons grow old for their own selfish gratification and thats about the size of it.

Nothing about terrorism or the opium crop or anything else. Just how it affects kiwi consumers who want the world to be perfect so that their own little applecart dosen't fall over.

All sorts of experts are wheeled on and off Hubbards page to make observations that sound good in theory but dont do anything for the addict buying hot rocks in the slums of any global metropolis or the desire of self centred idiots to enforce their will on the world.

As for the war being unwinnable well thats just because the allies dont want to genocide a whole race of people and hard as it may be for some of these opiners to believe, the troops and not just only ours do believe in democracy and representative government.

What pundits like HUbbard seem to forget is that our democracy was a very long time a borning and even now is still a fragile thing but he thinks it can be imposed from without on a tribal kingdom by decree and then walked away from.

If this is the best New Zealand journalism can produce then it would be best to can it rather than let the world see what a bunch of childish wining tryhards we really are.

And congratulations to France for bringing back proverbs into the schools.

I hope you are not closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. Could not resist that one. Still as the home of derrida and other idiot post modernist obscurantists then some could say you have brought it on yourselves.

However just rememeber this:

Christianity has functioned for the normative self understanding of modernity as more than a mere precursor or a catalyst.

Egalitarian universalism, from which sprang the ideas of freedom and social solidarity, of an autonomous conduct of life and emancipation , of the individual morality of conscience, human rights, and democracy is the direct heir to the judaic ethic of justice and the christian ethic of love.

this legacy, substantially unchanged has been the object of continual critical appropriation and re-interpretation.

to this day there is no alternative to it. And in the light of the current challenges of a post national constellation, we continue to draw on the substance of this heritage.

Everything else is just post modern chatter.
and last but not least.
another columnist, a pommy whinger this time going on about the pentagon investing in movies. Well let me tell you this dude that TOP Gun is a thousand times better movie than all the other trite trivia that the wooly headed art lovers consider to be real movies. Maltins guide to the movies calls masters of the universe a bomb. Noooooo. Maltin and all the rest of the pampered crew are full of shit and self cenrtred wishful thinking about how the world should conform to their version of a cheezy consumers paradise. i.e. fags in feathers and flavoured condoms.

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