Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Booze Broads and Mayhem

Great to see Rosemary Mcleods column on alcohol and alcoholism which is a deadly and often fatal disease. Anne Wilson Schaeff says in her book “When Society Becomes An Addict”, that the primary goal of all addictions os to prevent the addict feeling their true thoughts and feelings. Feelings never lie. Contrary to the opinion of sometime all-black coach John Mitchell feelings are precursors to thought and you cant have a thought without language. Feelings tell you when you don't like something or someone or whether you are being treated fairly or perhaps when you feel you might be in danger. Feelings are always true to you even if the aim may not be true in reality. e.g. there is a very subtle distinction where if you feel that someone is lying to you it may not be true but the feeling always is. Part of the step up from infancy to adulthood is reality testing. However if you deny your feelings to yourself then it is necessary in the long run to repress them with maximum force in case they express themselves in an unacceptable manner, manifest themselves in another form or even worse kill the spirit of the person who is lying to themselves.

So why is that our nation feels it must deny its feelings under a swamp of alcohol. That question could be answered by a multi disciplinary team of anthropologists and psychologists but don't expect action any time soon. Too many organizations, institutions and businesses have a vested interest in selling alcohol or controlling people who have no idea what their feelings are trying to tell them.

And Kiwis love watching sick people make fools of themselves. Its free entertainment.

We can see in this mornings report on Michael Jacksons Health problems that he was in severe denial but that he had enough money to pretend to himself that if it looked alright in the mirror then it was alright under the cloth. Nooooooooo.


The odds are narrowing fast in the coming general election. The Labour Party spokesman has said that if the national government is replaced by his party then there will be no change in fiscal austerity. That is as it should be in these times but at least the Labour party can put a better face on the heavy hand and also not fall victim to the ideology that says the state must not own any assets and then use the power of government to sell the states assets to themselves personally.

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