Friday, October 21, 2011

save the last dance for me

Saturday morning.
Grey and damp.
Wales lost the bronze medal last night and whipty doo.
good fight boys.
Andrew Mehrtens pinged in this mornings rag for being pissed on latenite TeeVee.
Well so what.
You wanna see the real national character or some sanitised version squeezed out of a tube.
the rag filled with bogus stories about rugby. they dont ssem to know what is kitsch and what is real. I cant believe that this is the BEST that they can do.
where do they get these chimps from.
Its like they have one of those vacuous content machines doing rugby stories and its just pap for ninnies.
they all rave on and on about vibrancy and authenticity but when the real thing appears they stamp it out asap.
Gaddafi gone. He lived by the sword.
Listening to the coasters and the drifters now. somehow going back seems a good thing today.
One Chapter to go of Europe Divided by J.H. Elliott. Highly reccomended to those who want to know how we got here and why. There was no plan. It was all trial and error. Toleration was anthema and as long as a king or church had the money slaughter was at the top of the menu. No wonder the wonks in the nascent sociology and anthropology departments craved universal rules of history. The previous centuries were just an adventitious free for all. Not what the bourgeoisie wanted at all. Hahahahahahahahaha f*cking ha.
the next era will be no different either. there are no rules for the victor.
Only another rubber ballooon and when you poke the bit back in it pops out somewhere else. Keeps 'em busy.
there is no steady state.
I have another book on ancient Persia ready to go. (BBC) It looks interesting.

going to take some rose cuttings this afternoon. according to guggle now is the time. Down the block is a beautiful white rose with the most alluring perfume. see if I can actually put some green fingers into it.
Got the soundtrack from the Princess Bride at the family shop yesterday. By Mark Knopfler. Lovley album and near mint. Nobody ever bothere with it! Refereshing 'Storybook LOve'. I had it down there for a while but nobody seemed to groove on it when I was busking? Never mind. I like it so I will get it up to speed just for me. I aint the worlds flashest guitarist but somehow if you stick at it you learn to how find the groove and hang in. What more to life is there?
Sweet Jane.

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