Saturday, October 15, 2011

sunday morning coming down...

Hello Wales.
Sorry guys but you got the raw end of the stick last night.
You had 'em and then you let them off the hook.
silly Boys.
Australian Economist on the wireless this morning. (RNZ)
He said that if the world population is to rise by another two billion then it will take 15x the amount of economic effort to sustain them.
Yes well if that is the case then it is obvious that they cannot be sustained.
Something has to give.
As someone who trained as an economic historian and loves the history of humanity in general it is very hard to comprehend that changes must be made but be made they will whether we like it or not.
No one can predict what will happen or how they will be made manifest or what is going to happen to the spare billions.
It is an article of faith in the economics profession that growth can and will go on forever!
Another article of faith is that consumers drive the system but we can see if we look hard enough that most of the people alive today are adventitious to the system and not the tap root.
However by a feat of extrapolation we can see by reading thorsten vebleins masterpiece, 'the theory of the leisure class', that humans only want to emulate their betters and the desire to accumulate goods to match those of our peers is almost uncontrollable.

so any restrictions on our behaviour will be exogenous!

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