Monday, October 3, 2011

United States Of America

Sorry I missed his name but one of  George Bush's functionaries was on the radio this morning talking about the rain the park and other things. I liked his analysis of the Afghanistan situation and Americas role in the world and his chipping of host Kathryn Ryan on her grudge or antipathy towards the US. Also his assertion that Americans are angry at the moment. Ryan first. New Zealand has a nasty little strain of anti Americanism that reduces to jealousy pure and simple and is backed by the narrow insularity of small people with a scunner on the world because they have more than us. As for angry Americans. I went to the New York Press last night for a quick scan and the comments pages were like something off new zealands most popular auction site. Ignorant, racist, angry, uninformed, jealous, blaming etc ad nauseum. I couldn't log on because I dont have a f*ckb**k account and I'm glad of that.
Just caught Phil Wallington on Jim Mora's show  who mentioned how Lord Winston does not do science shows in Britain anymore, "they have become celebrity based drivel with no relation to science or desire to inform. just fast paced freak shows to amuse the empty eyes of gazers on strange beauty shows".
We have truly become the idiot generation. No responsibility for anything but insatiable desires for everything. Noo noo headed morons prevail everywhere with the vacant post modern fashion dummies from the BBC leading the charge. Another Item in this mornings rag sought to illuminate the advent of drug dealing gangs in the wastelands of suburban Britain and the culture of violence. Well one could say that with a televsio0n network that purveys some of the sickest co-dependent creepy playbills of suburban cell phone snoops preying on each other and chipping each other about the quality of their goods and looking down their noses at their inferiors then the lid is going to come off the underclass sooner or later. It wont go away. the situation is entirely different from the chartist movements and trade union movements of the past. This is just social ennui and anomie full stop. 

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