Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sandy Posey----- Wonk Alert

Big trouble getting these images on. The isp  Aotearoa Peoples Network doesn't seem to like the name. I couldn't upload from wiki. default back to the desktop every time. I believe that the name is also used by a chain of European brothels. Well that's not my problem. If you want to censor everything by blanket then you are being lazy and irresponsible. My friend is also having trouble with the name Corsair. another one on the shit list. I wanted to look at Mel Lyman from the jim kweskin band and he is on the index too. It seems that a whole dictionary of words is now being interwebbed out of existence because a machine cannot distinguish between legitimate and prurient usage.
Just checked Charly Manson and he is on the shitlist as well.
so is the only history we are allowed to know is when was bubblegum invented and what is jayzee's favourite colour.
Its as bad as the news media in New Zealand who have decided all on their very ownsome that the prime minister John Keys is the only person who can get news coverage in the press or on TEEVEE these days. We fought the second world war to maintain our precious freedoms and now the media are busy taking them away by stealth. Very Strange!

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