Tuesday, October 25, 2011

rugby world cup fallout and the Wairarapa Times Age

Contrary to the a.d.h.d. jobs at radio sport and the rest of them who believe that the whole world was captured by the rugby world cup, it was only a blip in the wider scheme of things.
However 3 items have reared their ugly little heads today.
a) did Richie McCaw get eye gouged? It doesn't matter. Its over. Keith Quinn get a life.
b) serves the paparizzi right who got a poke in the eye from the french team
c) Mark Reason is a poor mouth. This is a great All Black team and trying to diminish their achievement says
    something about you and not the team.
Congratulations to the Wairarapa Times Age. Their cartoon of the team that secured the World Cup was very generous and showed  Helen Clark as a true patriot for our country and not just a fairweather friend.
Good Old God.
Without him the National Party Curse might have ruined the World Cup!
Nationals bad run keeps coming. Now its failure of the gas line and the lifeblood of our country.

Time for a change?

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