Friday, October 28, 2011

folk songs and the united states air force

The wreck of the old 97. Yes it really was true! Found an old cd the other day in the pile with no legend so I had to play it to see what was on it. all sorts of stuff by very disparate artistes. Black hills of Dakota, when the cactus is in bloom, and a version of old 97. We used to play it in our band when we learning to play. A simple three chorder that you can wind up to fever pitch with great lyrics. I couldn't quite remember the lyric so I went o the WIKI and got the whole story plus the bit I couldn't recall. Also found Rouds folksong index with 24,000 songs on it so I go t some fun things to do this afternoon.
Carterton Events Centre opens this afternoon. I was always opposed to it. That does not mean I am a detractor.
Around here if you oppose something then you are a detractor.
I have good reasons to oppose it and they have nothing to do with personality's. Just because I don't have a car and own my own house or drink booze or walk around town with designer coffees in little thingies does not mean I am stupid and neither does it mean that all of a sudden I have become an enemy of the state either.
And when you go chasing rabbits then you know you're bound to fall.
Roger Fox big band playing at the opening concert tonight.
I like Roger Fox. He has a great ear and is a very skillful musician but tonight they should have featured a community concert from al the local schools but no they have to have something wanky-cool. Next week it will be the ballet and after that the nzso and after that well perhaps justin timberlake or chrisitine aguilierra or maby barbara streisand.
You know. really put the place on the map.hyuk hyuk hyuk.
Great to hear the USAF is setting up drone stations around the world.
The USAF has been the backbone and guarantor of freedom since WWII. Without them we would be running round spouting marxisms and pretending that the millenium had arrived in the form of a scientifically sound political nirvana.

In thrust we trust!

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