Monday, October 24, 2011

I got stoned and I missed it: rugby drugs and radio sport

Listened to roger Borookings on the wireless this morning about drug courts. I must apologise. When the idea was first mooted all I could think of was Kiwi idiots running the show but one must have faith in the justice system.
apart from that drug and alcohol counselling is in a mess. Its either graduates straight  out of university or wannabees from Alcoholics Anonymous who want to make their mark.
Very seldom is it mature people with empathy. The trained psychs just want something for their c.v. and the users/cum counsellors are in the main co-dependent and they triage people depending on how much they grease up their asses.
so maybe some people dont even want to see druggies and alkies get any help at all?

Nico. Heard her version of these days on the 9-noon this am. VG. I like Ian Matthews version from Valley Hi tooooo.

Martin Snedden; canyou prove that 'rugby' is in someones DNA? How do you do that?
Radio Sport: as a confirmed Christian I object to your little jackanapes saying God Bless New Zealand everytime they mentioned Steve Donald and the whitebait. You know or at least you should kpow if you are a Christian that it is a sin to take the Lords name in Vain. Got it? You friggin' little twerps.

Bob Brockie. you must have done some quick boning up on the philosophy of science after that piece on Sigmund Freud.
However your explication came out as the Thomas Kuhn line but that is not how it happens either.
In the main science is collegial or relies on abduction, i.e. inference to the best explanation. Others say it is voodoo and they might be right toooooooo. hehehehehehehehehe.

And I never missed it. I saw it all but I didnt like much of it so I kept my head down. 

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